NCT or Hypnobirthing? An alternative to NCT in Fareham!

Is hypnobirthing an alternative to NCT? Should you do hypnobirthing and NCT? What are they? Which one is better?

hypnobirthing fareham NCT

It seems that everyone has heard of NCT, but no one has heard about Hypnobirthing?! That was certainly the case for me. Even my parents went through NCT 30 odd years ago, so it has been around for a while. Whereas not only had hypnobirthing not been around so long, but its name confuses people into thinking that it is something that it is not! Funnily enough, whilst buying something for my small business in Curry’s the other day, the chappy in the store asked what my business was - on telling him he kind of laughed. So I asked him what he thought it was, and he said hypnoses during labour - kind of right I suppose..

So what is the difference then?

Lets start with NCT. NCT stands for National Childbirth Trust. It aims to support expectant parents in pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. The class covers various things, including how the body works, birth itself and parenting support, for example, how to change a nappy. Now, I’ve never done NCT Fareham so couldn’t say exactly what it is like, but from feedback I have heard from others, it is quite general and they cover a lot of stuff so can’t always go into a lot of detail in areas. It also depends a lot on the teacher. NCT is massive, with multiple branches including NCT Fareham. So they have lots of classes running at one times so lucky dip for who you get and if you are like minded! I’ve heard from some friends the teacher was amazing, and others have felt the opposite.

Hypnobirthing has a bigger focus on the birther having a positive birth experience and therefore there is a lot more emphasis on the birth itself - various tools to improve the birthers experience leading up to birth and during. Hypnobirthing doesn’t exactly teach you how to parent - but there is a section about the fourth trimester to prepare expectant parents about what to expect. Equally, there is plenty of parenting classes that might be more useful than a broader overview to help in learning parenting skills when you can spend time focusing on the birth and preparing for this.

Hypnobirthing is very pro the birthers rights and choice. Which is crazy that it isn’t just a given, but hey don’t let me go off on a tangent about that (not here anyway!).. The course is very informative in looking at birth rights, relative risk and how to be able to make decisions without any confusion or muddy water. And what is great about these tools in my Fareham hypnobirthing course is that all of these skills are transferable to things outside of birth, skills for life! I use them for all sorts - mainly keeping a lid on my rage when my boyfriend hasn’t picked up his washing for the millionth time!

Making friends?

A popular reason I heard people opt for NCT rather than hypnobirthing (other than the fact they have never heard of it!!!) is that they want to meet like-minded expectant parents and have some friends for life. Seems an expensive way to make friends if you ask me. And actually arguably hypnobirthing provides that same - if you are attending an in person class, as is my Fareham couse. My Fareham hypnobirthing group offers a whataspp chat to keep ensure that the support network is in place to support these parents to be. Again, with meeting people in your antenatal classes, its lucky did again - you might end up meeting some amazing people or you could end up with a bunch of weirdo’s!

Can I do both?

I know some people who have opted do Fareham NCT and hypnobirthing - I guess if you can afford to do this, then why not, belt and braces and all that. Lets put it this was, it definitely can’t hurt to be extra educated - right? I think the courses definitely both have their pros and cons. Naturally I’m biased to my Fareham hypnobirthing course as an alternative to NCT Fareham because I think the perspective it offers it totally different. I’ve had some mum friends say they didn’t think NCT was able to offer a true picture of the complications and difficulties that could arise in birth and it almost didn’t prepare them sufficiently for this. Hypnobirthing isn’t to scare or confuse people, but the opposite - to educate as much as is possible, to allow them to be informed and give them the best chance at a positive birth experience.

I guess it depends what you want to get out of your antenatal course. Is your focus meeting new people and getting an overview of labour, birth and early parenthood? Perhaps you are the kind of person who prefers to go with well known companies. Then NCT might be for you. BUT maybe you are like me, and terrified of birth and need some help getting your headspace somewhere more positive. Maybe you’ve had a previous traumatic birth and want support healing from this trauma in a sensitive way. Or maybe you have just heard from word of mouth that hypnobirthing is amazing!? Then maybe Fareham hypnobirthing is a good alternative to NCT Fareham.

hypnobirthing vs nct in fareham

How do I chose?

Its difficult, because no doubt, most people go to NCT out of habbit and familiarity. I do wonder if more people had heard about hypnobirthing and what it really was, would it be bigger? Most people (me included) and surprised by the content of it and how amazing it is. Equally, if it was called something different - would that help. The name is misleading!

Anyway Farehm NCT doesn’t do tasters as far as I can tell?! But, guess what, I do! I have a mini-masterclass ‘Introduction to Hypnobirthing’ for FREE! This gives a change to hear a little bit more detail about what hypnobirthing is and what it can offer you. It also gives the chance to get to know me - its surprising how person preparing for birth can be. Its important to share some values with your teacher to get the most from it and feel comfortable to ask those uncomfortable questions. Join me in my FREE mini-masterclass to find out more. I’d love to hear from you, so come find me on socials and hit me with any questions you have about hypnobirthing in Fareham.

fareham hypnobirthing nct antenatal


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